Scariest Animals In The World. Let me tell you, none of those costumes are nearly as scary looking as these ten animals. The wild world is unpredictable and you just cannot judge a book by its cover and an animal by its face.

The species loves to hunt and eat worms, crayfish, snails, frogs, snakes and aquatic vegetation. These are some of the scariest animals inhabiting the earth. From the fearsome piranha and vampire fish to the mighty anaconda, the crocodile, and the candiru, these are among the most terrifying reptiles, insects, spiders.
At the same time many frightening looking animals never attack human beings or other animals.
But the list is not complete. This week, i thought it would be fun to check out some of the scariest animals. The animal kingdom is full of cute and cuddly creatures. You know the kind you would least want to encounter on a cool, spring night.